Mapping the implementation of the rapid HIV test in the Family Health Strategy: the nurses' perspective

Objective: To analyze the implementation of the rapid HIV test in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) from the perspective of nurses. Method: A qualitative study was performed with 13 FHS nurses between March and June 2015 using a semi-structured interview. The data were analyzed by symbolic cartography and Bardin's thematic analysis. Results: The nurses projected to the center of the map: lack of test kits, insufficient time for training, speed of the test result and excessive activities. In the periphery, they placed aspects related to the physical space, the lack of participation of other professionals in the training, the ease of performing the test and breaking the news of positive HIV diagnoses. Conclusion and implications for practice: An adequate supply of test kits, tests more widely available to the entire population and training of other members of the FHS team are required. This study supports improvements in the nursing practice of rapid HIV testing.

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