NGP: a new large format infrared detector for observation, hyperspectral and spectroscopic space missions in VISIR, SWIR and MWIR wavebands

SOFRADIR is one of the leading companies involved in the development and manufacturing of infrared detectors for space applications. As a matter of fact, SOFRADIR is present in many space programs in visible and SWIR spectral ranges. Most of these programs concern hyperspectral imagery observation of the earth but also some scientific applications. For more than 10 years, the Saturn generation detector (VISIR or SWIR) of Sofradir was the basis of numerous space missions. In order to answer future mission needs which require larger detector for better spatial and spectral resolutions while complying with all specifications reflecting the state of requirements for space detectors, SOFRADIR has developed a new detector in a frame of an ESA R and T program, named Next Generation Panchromatic Detector (NGP). While designed for VISIR and SWIR spectral ranges, this detector is also studied to be extended in MWIR spectral range. In this paper, NGP detector will be described as well as its performances. Space applications using this detector will be presented also showing appropriateness of its use to answer space programs specifications, as for example those of Sentinel-5.