Performance Testing of Preheated Waste Cooking oil on An Agricultural Diesel Engine
Present work is focused on the performance testing of a water cooled diesel engine using preheated (800C) waste cooking oil as a fuel. In this experiment, two Preheated Waste Cooking Oil blends; PH WCO-20(80 % diesel and 20% preheated waste cooking oil) and PH WCO-40 (60 % diesel and 40% preheated waste cooking oil) are tested without any modification of the diesel engine. It has been observed that performance of blended fuels is very much similar with lower emissions compared to that of diesel. Some of the important conclusions are (i) the sfc is slightly higher (average about 5%) than that of diesel for blends (ii) at all brake power conditions the opacity of all PH WCO blends decreases than diesel. Maximum percentage decrements of opacity obtained are 22.52% at 3.5 kW brake power for PH WCO-20 and for PH WCO-40, 21% at 2 kW brake power.