Consider the bivariate sequence of r.v.'s {(J n , X n ), n ≧ 0} with X 0 = - ∞ a.s. The marginal sequence {J n } is an irreducible, aperiodic, m-state M.C., m < ∞, and the r.v.'s X n are conditionally independent given {J n }. Furthermore P{J n = j, X n ≦ x | J n − 1 = i} = p ij H i (x) = Q ij (x), where H 1(·), · · ·, H m (·) are c.d.f.'s. Setting M n = max {X 1, · · ·, X n }, we obtain P{J n = j, M n ≦ x | J 0 = i} = [Q n (x)] i, j , where Q(x) = {Q ij (x)}. The limiting behavior of this probability and the possible limit laws for M n are characterized. Theorem. Let ρ(x) be the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue of Q(x) for real x; then: (a)ρ(x) is a c.d.f.; (b) if for a suitable normalization {Q ij n (a ijn x + b ijn )} converges completely to a matrix {U ij (x)} whose entries are non-degenerate distributions then U ij (x) = π j ρ U (x), where π j = lim n → ∞ p ij n and ρ U (x) is an extreme value distribution; (c) the normalizing constants need not depend on i, j; (d) ρ n (a n x + b n ) converges completely to ρ U (x); (e) the maximum M n has a non-trivial limit law ρ U (x) iff Q n (x) has a non-trivial limit matrix U(x) = {U ij (x)} = {π j ρ U (x)} or equivalently iff ρ(x) or the c.d.f. π i = 1 m H i π i(x) is in the domain of attraction of one of the extreme value distributions. Hence the only possible limit laws for {M n } are the extreme value distributions which generalize the results of Gnedenko for the i.i.d. case.
J. Gillis,et al.
Matrix Iterative Analysis
M. Neuts,et al.
The limiting distribution of the maximum term in a sequence of random variables defined on a markov chain
Journal of Applied Probability.
Samuel Karlin,et al.
Mathematical Methods and Theory in Games, Programming, and Economics
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Sur La Distribution Limite Du Terme Maximum D'Une Serie Aleatoire
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An Introduction To Probability Theory And Its Applications
Samuel Karlin,et al.
Mathematical Methods and Theory in Games, Programming, and Economics
William Feller,et al.
An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications