Applications of AFIS Fineness and Maturity Module and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Fiber Maturity Evaluation

Worldwide round-testing and calibration of the nep-counting and fiber-length mod ules of the Zellweger Uster advanced fiber information system (AFIS) are well advanced. Lack of appropriate quantitative calibration standards for fiber maturity has limited similar development of the prototypic AFIS fineness and maturity (F&M) module. A combination of calcium x-ray fluorescence Spectroscopy (Ca-XRF) and AFIS-F&M map ping of fiber quality from twenty-one days post anthesis (DPA) to boll opening (56 DPA) permits direct comparisons of AFIS-determined fiber physical maturity (as micronAFIS, circularity, and cross-sectional area) with fiber chronological maturity (as DPA) and physiochemical maturity (as Ca-XRF). The AFIS-F&M module is a powerful tool that makes possible quantitative comparisons of fiber maturity across time (during fiber development and in different crop years), across space (different boll and locule positions and different growing areas), within single bolls and locules, and between cotton varieties and species.