The KML Handbook: Geographic Visualization for the Web

The way the information is presented appeals to teachers, hobbyists, web designersanyone looking for a way to enhance their content by using customized maps.Warren Kelly, PastorIt could become the de-facto tutorial volume for the subject, as well as the classic reference guide.Thomas Duff, Lead DeveloperThis book is written so well and is so easy to follow its a joy to go through. Daniel McKinnon, Software Engineer KML began as the file format for Google Earth, but it has evolved into a full-fledged international standard for describing any geographic contentthe HTML of geography. Its already supported by applications ranging from Microsoft Virtual Earth and NASA WorldWind to Photoshop and AutoCAD. You can do amazing things with KML, and this book will show you how, using practical examples drawn from todays best online mapping applications.Drawing on her extensive experience with the creators of KML, Wernecke teaches techniques that can be used by everyone from programmers to real estate agents, scientists, students, architects, virtual explorers, and more. Highlights includeIncorporating rich content in Placemark balloons Creating overlays that superimpose your images on standard Earth browsersGenerating animations that move through Placemarks, Overlays, and Models Controlling and updating map content across the Web Managing large data sets using regions and custom data typesComplete KML language reference: elements, types, syntax, file structure, and conventions