Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2007, 4th International Colloquium, Macau, China, September 26-28, 2007, Proceedings

Domain Theory: Practice and Theories A Discussion of Possible Research Topics.- Linking Semantic Models.- Discovering Non-linear Ranking Functions by Solving Semi-algebraic Systems.- Mobile Ambients with Timers and Types.- Automatic Refinement of Split Binary Semaphore.- Stepwise Development of Simulink Models Using the Refinement Calculus Framework.- Bisimulations for a Distributed Higher Order ?-Calculus.- A Complete and Compact Propositional Deontic Logic.- Verifying Lock-Freedom Using Well-Founded Orders.- Tree Components Programming: An Application to XML.- A Framework for Incorporating Trust into Formal Systems Development.- A Higher-Order Demand-Driven Narrowing Calculus with Definitional Trees.- Distributed Time-Asynchronous Automata.- Skolem Machines and Geometric Logic.- A Logical Calculus for Modelling Interferences.- Reflection and Preservation of Properties in Coalgebraic (bi)Simulations.- Controlling Process Modularity in Mobile Computing.- Failures: Their Definition, Modelling and Analysis.- C WS: A Timed Service-Oriented Calculus.- Regular Linear Temporal Logic.- Algebraic Semantics for Compensable Transactions.- Axiomatizing Extended Temporal Logic Fragments Via Instantiation.- Deciding Weak Bisimilarity of Normed Context-Free Processes Using Tableau.- Linear Context Free Languages.- FM for FMS: Lessons Learned While Applying Formal Methods to the Study of Flexible Manufacturing Systems.- On Equality Predicates in Algebraic Specification Languages.- Data-Distributions in PowerList Theory.- Quasi-interpretation Synthesis by Decomposition.- Composing Transformations to Optimize Linear Code.- Building Extended Canonizers by Graph-Based Deduction.- A Randomized Algorithm for BBCSPs in the Prover-Verifier Model.- On the Expressive Power of QLTL.