Spatial Light Modulators: Test and Evaluation.

Abstract : Real-time and reusable spatial light modulators are one of the key technological components necessary in optical data processors. The purpose of this contract is to investigate the test and evaluation procedures to be used with these new data processing devices. Specific attention was devoted to the photo-DKDP and the liquid crystal light valves. An extensive experimental program was also completed in which the photo-DKDP SLM was used as the real-time input transducer for an optical addition and subtraction system, two optical pattern recognition correlators for text and aerial imagery, and two optical signal processors for ambiguity function computation. Comparison of the performance of the real-time SLM systems to similar systems using film as the input material and comparisons to the theoretically expected correlation output plane data were also included. In all cases, the real-time SLM system performed most accurately.