Investigation of the Relations Between Neat Resin and Advanced Composite Mechanical Properties . Volume 1. Results.
Abstract : A detailed evaluation of one untoughened epoxy baseline resin three toughened epoxy resin systems was performed. The Hercules 3502, 2220-1, and 2220-3, and Ciba-Geigy Fibredux 914 resin systems were supplied in the uncured state by NASA-Langley and cast into thin specimens and round dogbone specimens. Tensile and torsional shear measurements were performed at three temperatures and two moisture conditions. Coefficients of thermal expansion and moisture expansion also measured. Extensive scanning electron microscopic examination of fracture surfaces was performed, to permit the correlation of observed failure modes with the environmental conditions under which the various specimens were tested. A micromechanics analysis was used to predict the unidirectional composite response under the various test conditions, using the neat resin experimental results as the required input data. The mechanical and physical test results, the scanning electron microscope observations, and the analytical predictions were then correlated. jg p262