Experience on Series Production of the Superconducting Magnet Package for the Linear Accelerator of the European XFEL

The procurement of 103 superconducting magnet packages is part of the Spanish in-kind contribution to the European X-FEL. Each package consists of a main superferric quadrupole and two steerers, vertical and horizontal, fed by conduction-cooled current leads and enclosed in a stainless steel vessel. The operation temperature is 2 K, as they are embedded in a superfluid helium bath. The magnetic and mechanical designs are published elsewhere. The magnets are being produced in the Spanish company ANTEC, while the vessels are fabricated by another Spanish company, Trinos Vacuum-Projects, which is also responsible for the integration, under the supervision of CIEMAT. The helium vessel manufacturer needs to accomplish the requirements given by the European Pressure Equipment Directive, namely PED 97/23/EC. This paper describes the series fabrication techniques, the production follow-up, the quality assurance, and the magnet testing at the manufacturer site. Cold tests are realized at DESY premises. The main problems found during the fabrication of the first half of the series are also reported: 1) the reproducibility of the quadrupole coil dimensions; 2) the accuracy of the beam position monitor housing after final welding of the vessel; and 3) the minimization of the magnetization effects on the transfer function of the magnets.