Future earth observation scenario and related actvities in Japan

Satellite long term observation scenario has been studied. Earth observation strategy in NASDA consists of following three objectives. Those are (1) monitoring, modeling and prediction of future earth environment by data assimilation, (2) promote satellite data utilization for earth resource management and sustainable development, (3) natural disaster monitoring, modeling and prediction. Satellite measurement form polar, sun-synchronous orbit should be the first priority because of the whole globe coverage. The ADEOS series planned as the major one starts from ADEOS in 1996, ADEOS-II in 1999, ADEOS III in 2003 and follow on. Diurnal variation measurement is also essential for climate change studies especially precipitation and cloud/radiation forcing. ATMOS series has been studied for these mission requirements. ATMOS series has been studied for these mission requirements. ATMOS will be take an inclined orbit to separate diurnal cycle. Newly developed sensors will use experimental platforms such as SPace Stations, small test satellite and airplanes.