Membrane Alterations in Cancer Cells:

Radiation, chemicals, and some viruses are known to be environmental causes of cancer. The origin of tumors of different kinds has been associated for a long time to exposure to radiations of different energy.'.' Chemicals also can cause cancer either by a direct action on the cells or by enzymatic conversion to an active carcinogenic form. This process often involves the NADPH-cytochrome P-450 electron transport system, located mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum of the hepatocyte but also of several other tissues.3v4 Free radicals are among the products of this cytochrome P-450-mediated reactions. Substances that give free radical intermediates are halogenoalkanes, nitro-compounds, aromatic amines, quinones, nitrosoamines, polycyclic hydrocarbons, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These intermediates have been found to play a significant role in chemical carcin~genesis.~*~ Free radicals are indeed responsible for a series of damaging reactions within the cell. Among their targets are DNA, nucleotidecoenzymes, thiol-dependent enzymes and membranes, whose damage is known to be induced by lipid peroxidation, responsible for structural and functional modifications as well as production of toxic intermediates.' It has of course to be considered that highly reactive radicals are very short lived and cannot diffuse far from the site of generation. This consideration is particularly relevant for radicals that may have DNA as a target and are produced far from the nucleus. On the other hand, slow reacting radicals should not have too great a damaging effect even if they can diffuse more freely within cell. Among the damaging effects of free radicals, lipoperoxidation has been studied with particular attention because of a number of important biological consequences. It consists of a chain reaction resulting in the oxidative degradation of unsaturated lipids, particularly of polyunsaturated fatty acid residues of phospholipids that constitute the bilayer of the rnembrane~.'.~ Several are the products of lipoperoxidation: alkanals,

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