In Situ Processing

In Situ Processing Hank Childs Computational Research Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA, 94720. Kwan-Liu Ma University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA, 95616. Hongfeng Yu Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, USA, 94551. Brad Whitlock Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, USA, 94551. Jeremy Meredith Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA, 37831. Jean Favre Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA, 94551. Scott Klasky Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA, 37831. Norbert Podhorszki Oak Ridge National Laboratory,

[1]  Kwan-Liu Ma,et al.  In Situ Visualization at Extreme Scale: Challenges and Opportunities , 2009, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.

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[11]  Kenneth I. Joy,et al.  An Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Query-Driven Visualization , 2011, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

[12]  K. Stockinger,et al.  Detecting Distributed Scans Using High-Performance Query-Driven Visualization , 2006, ACM/IEEE SC 2006 Conference (SC'06).

[13]  Kwan-Liu Ma,et al.  Visualization by Proxy: A Novel Framework for Deferred Interaction with Volume Data , 2010, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

[14]  Karsten Schwan,et al.  DataStager: scalable data staging services for petascale applications , 2009, HPDC '09.

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[19]  Jeremy S. Meredith,et al.  Parallel in situ coupling of simulation with a fully featured visualization system , 2011, EGPGV '11.

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[28]  Karsten Schwan,et al.  Efficient End to End Data Exchange Using Configurable Compression , 2004, ICDCS.

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[30]  Scott Klasky,et al.  Terascale direct numerical simulations of turbulent combustion using S3D , 2008 .

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[41]  Karsten Schwan,et al.  In-situ I/O processing: a case for location flexibility , 2011, PDSW '11.