Environmental Valuation of Industrial Estates Location (Case Study: Kohgilouyeh & Boyerahmad Province)

Location of industrial estates is a key factor in regions planning and management considering economic and environmental consequences. Sustainable development needs finding a new approach for designing and establishment of industrial regions in order to be able to minimize the negative environmental impact resulted from establishment and utilization of industries. In this study, in order to environmental valuation of industrial estates of Kohgilouye & Boyerahmad Province, slope, distance to communication ways, distance to waterways, distance to residential areas, land use, protected areas, distance to fault and distance to water course were used. Information layers of criteria entered ArcGIS and were standardized using Boolean logic and ultimately, the map of industries establishment fitness was produced. In the next step, standardization of factors and layers weighting carried out by fuzzy functions and paired method respectively. Then, restrictive layers including distance to fault distance to water course and protected areas were standardized by Boolean logic. Also, slope layers, distance to communication ways, distance to waterway, distance to residential areas and land use was standardized using fuzzy functions. Finally, the layers were combined using linear-weighted equation in GIS environment, and map of industries establishment utility was achieved. Results explained that, 20 spots are suitable to establish industries in Kohgilouye & Boyerahmad province that are located in south and east of the study area. The results from weighted method showed that 5.5% of the area extent has a high utility to establish industries. Overlapping the map of established industrial estates locations with the map resulted from Boolean logic determined that, industrial estates of Kohgilouye & Boyerahmad province are located in unsuitable areas. Also, the resulted map from weighted - linear combination showed that, none of industrial estates is located in the areas with high utility.