Supporting Pride, Activism, Resiliency, and Community: A Telemedicine-Based Group for Youth with Intersecting Gender and Racial Minority Identities.

Transgender and nonbinary (TNB) people who also identify as black, indigenous, and/or people of color (BIPOC) may experience compounding stress related to their racial and gender minority identities. This case study describes supporting pride, activism, resiliency, and community (SPARC), a brief five-session telemedicine-based process group for TNB BIPOC adolescents and young adults (AYA). Five AYA participated and all attended at least one session. Acceptability and satisfaction were assessed through survey and open-ended feedback. Results suggest that SPARC was acceptable and satisfactory. SPARC may be considered a promising group to provide an affirming and supportive space for TNB BIPOC AYA.