Vision in IT from Cloud Computing

Our paper proposes a new concept for Automatic- economic IT and optimum usage of resource in IT, especially for educational institutes. Theoretical background and overview is presented on the basic underlying principles, auto- utility computing, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) . Their relation to cloud computing is explored and focused as a case for scaling out vs. scaling up is made and scaling out of relational databases in traditional application is stressed a bottleneck. The rapid development in IT and availability of services at low cost has exponentially expanded the use of internet for multiple applications. By evaluating strategic issues and weighting in economic adoption pros and cons. Cloud computing is expected to be an economically visible alternative to conventional methodology for implementation of projects without compromising the quality of services. This paper specifically point out cost efficiency, vendor lock in effects leading to operational risks to be prevailing for the majority of larger business customers that could potentially mandate their IT and computing needs from the cloud. Leading Current cloud architectures are compared in software industry. By exploration, it is found that the process of cloud architecture deployment will be gradual. Ultimately, conclusion will lead to an outlook and recommendations for companies and cloud providers.