A concept related to the entropy is studied. Let A and B be two density matrices, with eigenvalues a1, a2,… and b1, b2,…, arranged in decreasing order and repeated according to multiplicity. Then A is said to be “more mixed”, or “more chaotic”, than B, if a1⩽b1, a1+a2⩽b1+b2,…,a1+…+am⩽b1+…+bm,…; It turns out that if A is more mixed than B, then the entropy of A is larger than the entropy of B. However, more generally, let v be an arbitrary concave function, ⩾0, and vanishing at 0. Then, if A is more mixed than B, tr v(A)⩾tr v(B). It is shown that also the converse is true. Furthermore, a variety of other characterizations of the relation “A is more mixed than B” is obtained, and several applications to quantum statistical mechanics are given.
K. Fan.
On a Theorem of Weyl Concerning Eigenvalues of Linear Transformations: II.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
R. Schatten,et al.
Norm Ideals of Completely Continuous Operators
J. Cooper,et al.
Les Algebres d'Operateurs dans l'Espace Hilbertien
G. Pólya.
Remark on Weyl's Note "Inequalities Between the Two Kinds of Eigenvalues of a Linear Transformation".
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
G. G. Stokes.
The New Yale Book of Quotations.