Evaluating capstone project through flexible and collaborative use of Scrum framework

Scrum framework disseminates principles that guarantee a dynamic and adaptable Software development process. Supporting the software engineering teaching using agile methodologies and Scrum framework with some proper adaptations is the challenge of Federal University of São Carlos in the Software Engineering specialization course for graduated students. The article presents an evaluation of Scrum adaptations performed to evaluate the capstone project. In this case study, the adoption of Scrum to manage the capstone project represents a direct and objective approach in order to have an environment similar to the real one. Moreover, the inexperience of the teams, the partial dedication in the projects and the distributed teams showed the necessity of self-management of the teams among other lessons learned to teach Software Engineering in this setting. Finally, evaluating a capstone project using Scrum framework in a flexible and collaborative way made it possible to realize the difficulties faced by the teams and the need for technical improvements, thanks to Scrum framework functions.