Influence of environment on growing period and yield, protein, oil and α-linolenic content of three chia (Salvia hispanica L.) selections

Abstract Chia ( Salvia hispanica L.) is an annual summer herb, and a member of the Labiatae family. Three selections, named Tzotzol, Iztac 1, and Tliltic, were planted at different elevations in three Inter-Andean valleys of Ecuador (Patate—2042 m, Guayllabamba—2200 m and Salinas—1621 m) to assess performance and seed quality. Length of growing period was influenced by location, with Tzotzol and Iztac 1 increasing with elevation. Iztac 1 had the highest seed yield at all three locations, with the difference between Iztac1 and Tzotzol being significant ( P P