Parametric governance a new steering mode for spatial planning

"Parametric governance" refers to a steering made by which the steering body defines operationalized objectives but leaves it open to the implementing bodies how the goals may be achieved. Transferred to spatial planning that steering made would require the Landespla­ nung not to delineate areas with special purposes but just to indicate the objective, e.g.: The state stipulates regional planners to demarcate areas which are suitable and capable to host "x mega-watt of wind-energy''. The approach corresponds to newer governance patterns which grant the decentralized implementing agencies mare room of manoeuvre to develop solutions which are better suited to the problems, mare attuned to the given situation and mare accepted by those concerned than the traditional top-down solutions. In particular, the approach is closely related to the made of "contracting" within the system of new public management. The article tries to give an idea of the potentials of parametric governance for spatial planning and to derive knowledge from similar approaches in other policy areas or ot her fields of action as to w hat could improve the effectiveness of the approach and where to look for problems and obstacles. RuR 3-4/2002 219