The impact of pharmacophore modeling in drug design.

With the reliable use of computer simulations in scientific research, it is possible to achieve significant increases in productivity as well as a reduction in research costs compared with experimental approaches. For example, computer-simulation can substantially enchance productivity by focusing the scientist to better, more informed choices, while also driving the 'fail-early' concept to result in a significant reduction in cost. Pharmacophore modeling is a reliable computer-aided design tool used in the discovery of new classes of compounds for a given therapeutic category. This commentary will briefly review the benefits and applications of this technology in drug discovery and design, and will also highlight its historical evolution. The two most commonly used approaches for pharmacophore model development will be discussed, and several examples of how this technology was successfully applied to identify new potent leads will be provided. The article concludes with a brief outline of the controversial issue of patentability of pharmacophore models.