The role of vegetation in the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere

The interchange of CO2 between vegetation and the atmosphere is discussed. Some basic physiological properties of plants are reviewed with respect to the gaseous exchange. The behavior of the plants within their environment is then explained, since the normal CO2 exchange of the vegetation occurs under ecological conditions. Some data of various authors are presented which show how effectively a vegetation unit can change the CO2 content of the atmosphere near the ground. The productivity concept for the whole biosphere is explained in detail because it enables us to calculate the CO2 exchange between biosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere. On the basis of this concept two calculations are given, for forests in Europe and Malaya, of the quantity and the time of the turnover. The cycle of carbon through the biosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere or hydrosphere is discussed from various points of view. The distribution of carbon over the surface of the earth is listed according to compilations of various authors.