Physiatrists: career development and professional interests.
A total of 1,080 physiatrists were asked to respond to a questionnaire which covered various aspects of career development and vocational interests in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R). The data from the 486 usable responses were analyzed on the basis of several factors including nationality, mode of entry into the specialty, time distribution between graduation and entry into specialty, and professional interests. A large majority (98.8%) expressed good job satisfaction and optimism about the specialty's future. Of the 486 responders. 68 (14%) were women and 481 (98.2%) were MDs of whom 170 (35%) were foreign trained. Nearly 78.4% of the sample had left another medical field in favor of PM&R. As compared with a similar study in 1968, the present study showed a threefold increase in physiatrists going into private practice, a twofold increase in participation in a purely rehabilitation setting, and a decline in the percentage of physiatrists in academic and research areas.