한의학 정보환경의 변화와 오아시스의 미래전략

Objectives: Current information & communication technology is advancing very rapidly and the ripple effects are spreading all over society traditional Korean medicine (TKM) is no exception. We draw up afuture plan and target system"s architecture of KIOM"s OASIS to follow the information change and reinforce the supporting infra for TKM research. Methods: First, we analyzed the information circumstances of western and eastern medicine, both overseas and domestic, especially investigating the detailed changes domestically. Second, we grasped the present conditions of OASIS and compared it with other information portals. Finally, we drew a future plan and system architecture from the analysis results. Results: First, the information status of western medicine is much more advanced than TKM"s,and overseas information circumstances are likewise more developed than domestics. Second, we found that OASIS is performing the central research infra role well in TKM. Finally we designed an information system architecture which is composed of an infra layer, an application layer and a service layer. Conclusion: We must integrate information materials such as literature, research manpower, facilities and standards to make TKM"s knowledge portal successful. In detail, we have to make TKM"s information classification code, build up the electronic TKM library and offer complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) trends.