Instream effects of dunder application to canefields in the Sarina region, Queensland: continued monitoring

[Extract]This report summarises the results of a six year ecological monitoring program in streams of the Sarina/Mackay region. The primary focus has been placed on the final four years of investigation since the results from the first two years were discussed in detail in our earlier report (Clayton and Pearson1992). The sampling regime and the amount of resultant data were much less extensive in the final four years than in the first two years because of an altered objective to concentrate on a small number of morphologically similar streams at the time of dunder distribution. The background to this investigation has changed little since our first report (Clayton and Pearson 1992), although the amount of dunder sold by CSR Ltd. and the geographic extent of the dunder distribution area have both increased. In this report, therefore, introductory segments and general discussions regularly refer to the earlier report or include excerpts from it. This document can be considered the concluding volume of the investigation report and Clayton and Pearson (1992) should be referred to for detailed project background, site details and sampling/analysis methodology. Much of the report is necessarily technical in nature; however, where possible we have attempted to write for the non-biologist, non-chemist and non-statistician. Data used for the analyses includes that collected in the first two years of the investigation for Plane Creek, Rock Creek, Bell Creek and Marion Creek. The project was possible as a result of funding from CSR Ltd. and we wish to thank the staff of the Plane Creek mill and distillery for their support and assistance. We also thank the following staff from the Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research who made significant contributions to the project: Jenny Holt, Niall Connolly, Michelle Reilly and staff of the ACTFR water analysis laboratory, including Barry Butler, John Faithful and Elizabeth O’Sullivan.