Abstract In January 2002, Donald R. Lehmann, Executive Director of the Marketing Science Institute, submitted a proposal for a JM Special Section, “Linking Marketing to Financial Performance and Firm Value.” The proposal included activities to promote interactions among marketing academics and practitioners, designed to advance research on this topic. I was excited about the opportunity to stimulate and publish new research, and after extensive discussions, the American Marketing Association and the Marketing Science Institute formally agreed to cosponsor the Special Section. Authors submitted their manuscripts through a paper competition as well as directly through JM. Donald R. Lehmann, the Consulting Editor, and a panel of distinguished scholars reviewed every submission. The panel included Tim Ambler, Gregory S. Carpenter, Robert Jacobson, V. Kumar, Roland T. Rust, and Rajendra K. Srivastava. All submissions underwent JM’s standard double-blind review process under my editorship, and members of JM’s E...
R. Jacobson,et al.
Trading off between Value Creation and Value Appropriation: The Financial Implications of Shifts in Strategic Emphasis
Cristiana Raquel Lages,et al.
Bringing Export Performance Metrics into Annual Reports: The APEV Scale and the PERFEX Scorecard
R. Staelin,et al.
A Customer Relationship Management Roadmap: What is Known, Potential Pitfalls, and Where to Go
Lopo L. Rego,et al.
Customer Satisfaction, Cash Flow, and Shareholder Value
C. Fornell,et al.
Customer Satisfaction, Market Share, and Profitability: Findings from Sweden
Tasadduq A. Shervani,et al.
Market-Based Assets and Shareholder Value: A Framework for Analysis