Portal vein thrombosis in a patient with severe haemophilia A and post-hepatitis liver cirrhosis.

The occurrence of a portal vein thrombosis in a haemophilia A patient is reported. The patient, a 53 year old male, had been followed by us for the past 20 years in our out-patient Clinic. He was hospitalized recently for a suspected hepatic cirrhosis. Severe ascites, hepato-splenomegaly together with weight loss and mild fever were present. During the hospitalization, an ultrasound and CT scan of the liver confirmed the cirrhotic pattern and showed the presence of a portal vein thrombosis. There were no changes in the underlying coagulation defect, in fact, the patient had recurrent haemarthrosis. Furthermore, with the ultrasound examination, some focal hepatic lesions--probably due to a hepatocellular carcinoma--were also observed. The patient died because of massive haematemesis due to rupture of oesophageal varices.