Communication par crossbar optique dans une architecture informatique massivement parallèle

2014 Computer with centralized organization generate the « Von Neumam Bottleneck » effect. The task sharing can be a solution to avoid this problem. The ability for optics to achieve crossbar networks with an important number of lines allows to design new and realistic architectures. C.E.R.T. presents an experiment on such a system as well as parallel architectures based on it. An optical crossbar network needs lines, switches as well as a controller. We take advantage of free space : high data rate, non interference, no material support for lines, and « fan-out » function. We present and analyse the characteristics and limitations of such a system depending on the components and the operation mode. Revue Phys. Appl. 22 (1987) 1301-1307 OCTOBRE 1987, PAGE Classification Physics Abstracts 52.80