The NP-hard Star Editing problem has as input a graph G = (V,E) with edges colored red and black and two positive integers k 1 and k 2, and determines whether one can recolor at most k 1 black edges to red and at most k 2 red edges to black, such that the resulting graph has an induced subgraph whose edge set is exactly the set of black edges. A generalization of Star Editing is Union Editing, which, given a hypergraph H with the vertices colored by red and black and two positive integers k 1 and k 2, determines whether one can recolor at most k 1 black vertices to red and at most k 2 red vertices to black, such that the set of red vertices becomes exactly the union of some hyperedges. Star Editing is equivalent to Union Editing when the maximum degree of H is bounded by 2. Both problems are NP-hard and have applications in chemical analytics. Damaschke and Molokov [WADS 2011] introduced another version of Star Editing, which has only one integer k in the input and asks for a solution of totally at most k recolorings, and proposed an O(k 3)-edge kernel for this new version. We improve this bound to O(k 2) and show that the O(k 2)-bound is basically tight. Moreover, we also derive a kernel with O((k 1 + k 2)2) edges for Star Editing. Fixed-parameter intractability results are achieved for Star Editing parameterized by any one of k 1 and k 2. Finally, we extend and complete the parameterized complexity picture of Union Editing parameterized by k 1 + k 2.
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Satisfiability allows no nontrivial sparsification unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses
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Leonid Molokov.
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Parameterized reductions and algorithms for a graph editing problem that generalizes vertex cover
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Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness