Advances in developing an automated "black box" for casework sample preparation

Automated workstations have proven their utility for processing sample backlogs for offender databases. These systems can be optimized for a single sample type and do not have to be efficient. The varied sample quality and amount encountered in casework presents additional challenges in automated sample processing. Additionally, contamination concerns restrict the flexibility of robotic systems and require extensive validation. This presentation will discuss advances in developing and improving DNA extraction, human-specific quantitation and PCR setup using a single robotic instrument, the Beckman Coulter BioMek ® 2000 Workstation. Developed initially as independent modules, these steps can be integrated with minimal hands on time. This modular approach provides quicker access to automation and minimizes cost. To provide the maximum recovery and flexibility, samples are currently preprocessed manually to remove biological material from solid supports. In most cases, this involves incubation of the support in DNA IQ™ Lysis Buffer, followed by centrifugation through a spin basket. Samples containing very small amounts of DNA are incubated in a Proteinase K solution while samples containing sperm and epithelial cells are treated using the standard differential extraction procedure. Once the samples have been extracted from the solid support they are transferred to a BioMek ® 2000 Workstation for hands off purification using the DNA IQ™ System. Recent modifications to this automation program reduce processing time and adjust for environmental factors, such as low humidity. Human-specific quantitation is required for casework samples to ensure the amplification of an appropriate amount of DNA. The AluQuant ® Human DNA-Specific Quantitation System was developed to allow an automated approach to this step. Using solution-based hybridization of a highly repeated human specific sequence, the method is sensitive, provides numerical results, and does not rely on amplification of the sample DNA. Recent improvements to the automated process allow the use of 4µl of sample DNA and improve sensitivity. Automated PCR setup has been in use for many years. However, due to the wide range of DNA concentrations associated with casework samples, few laboratories have successfully automated this tedious and time-consuming process. We modified the Beckman Coulter Normalization Wizard developed for the BioMek ® 2000 Workstation so the program can deliver a customer defined amount and volume of DNA starting with DNA concentrations from 0 to 5ng/µl. DNA concentrations are imported from a modified AluQuant ® Calculator. The PCR setup system allows the user to select which samples to amplify thus conserving on expensive amplification reagents. While not yet a “black box” sample analysis system, the current setup provides a flexible system that automates several time consuming processing steps on one robotic platform. Hands on time between the different programs is minimized and primarily involves replenishing the deck with labware and reagents.