Introduction of New Associate Editors

AS long time subscribers to TPAMI may have noticed, the journal is fi lling up the bookshelf faster then ever before. Indeed, the issues are getting thicker. Likewise, the number of submissions to TPAMI has been steadily rising and, as of the end of August 2006 when this is being written, we’ve received 629 submissions in contrast to the 749 received in all of 2005. Our Associate Editors are tireless in overseeing the reviews of all these papers. After serving for four years, we would like to thank Ronen Basri, Sankar Pal, Anand Rangarajan, Stefano Soatto, Tieniu Tan, and Camillo J. Taylor who are retiring from the Editorial Board. Your dedication and judgment is truly appreciated. With more submissions, TPAMI is also increasing the size of the Editorial Board, and we are pleased to introduce our new Associate Editors: Léon Bottou, Stefan Carlsson, Wolfgang Förstner, Thomas Hofmann, David Hogg, Jiebo Luo, Patrick Perez, and Eric Saund. Léon Bottou will be overseeing the reviews of papers on machine learning theory and applications that are relevant for pattern recognition including vision and speech recognition. Stefan Carlsson will be considering papers on object and action recognition, motion capture and analysis, and shape analysis. Wolfgang Förstner will handle the review process for papers on image processing, feature extraction, grouping and segmentation, camera calibration, multiview geometry, stereo, registration, surface fi tting, range data, performance and quality analysis, and object recognition. Thomas Hofmann will be taking on papers in machine learning, graphical models, content-based retrieval, and object recognition. David Hogg will oversee papers in object recognition and scene understanding, learning in computer vision, tracking, and motion understanding. Jiebo Luo will be handling papers on image and video understanding, content-based multimedia retrieval, applications of pattern recognition, and image processing within vision. Patrick Perez will be responsible for papers in probabilistic models and motion analysis. Eric Saund will oversee papers in perceptual organization and document image analysis. Their brief biographies appear below. Welcome to TPAMI’s editorial board, and we look forward to working with you.