Enabling Urban Air Mobility: Human-Autonomy Teaming Research Challenges and Recommendations

Notions of “teaming” between human and machine agents have emerged as a critical area of research, focused not on how machines can think like people, but on how machines can help people think better. This paper details the efforts of a NASA committee to develop a research plan to address challenges and technology gaps associated with future aviation market applications, focused specifically on identification and implementation of capabilities and principles that facilitate humans and machines working and thinking better together. The NASA committee reviewed existing human-autonomy teaming (HAT) research, identified stakeholder community objectives, reviewed relevant concepts of operation, and identified a framework for establishing a coordinated, comprehensive, and prioritized research plan. The committee’s findings with regard to the importance of HAT and HAT challenges for enabling future aviation market applications are described. This effort is intended to provide policy makers, engineers, and researchers with useful guidance for directing and coordinating HAT research activities.