On the average complexity of 3D-Voronoi diagrams of random points on convex polytopes

It is well known that the complexity, i.e. the number of vertices, edges and faces, of the 3-dimensional Voronoi diagram of n points can be as bad as Θ(n2). It is also known that if the points are chosen Independently Identically Distributed uniformly from a 3-dimensional region such as a cube or sphere, then the expected complexity falls to O(n). In this paper we introduce the problem of analyzing what occurs if the points are chosen from a 2-dimensional region in 3-dimensional space. As an example, we examine the situation when the points are drawn from a Poisson distribution with rate n on the surface of a convex polytope. We prove that, in this case, the expected complexity of the resulting Voronoi diagram is O(n).