Comparison of Martian Meteorites and Martian Regolith as Shield Materials for Galactic Cosmic Rays

Abstract Theoretical calculations of radiation attenuation due to energetic galacticcosmic rays behind Martian rock and Martian regolith material have been madeto compare their utilization as shields for advanced manned missions to Marsbecause the detailed chemical signature of Mars is distinctly different from Earth.The modified radiation fields behind the Martian rocks and the soil model weregenerated by solving the Boltzmann equation using a HZETRN system with the1977 Solar Minimum environmental model. For the comparison of the attenuationcharacteristics, dose and dose equivalent are calculated for the five different sub-groups of Martian rocks and the Martian regolith. The results indicate thatchanges in composition of subgroups of Martian rocks have negligible effects onthe overall shielding properties because of the similarity of their constituents. Thedifferences for dose and dose equivalent of these materials relative to those ofMartian regolith are within 0.5 and I percent, respectively. Therefore, the analy-sis of Martian habitat construction options using in situ materials according tothe Martian regolith model composition is reasonably accurate. Adding an epoxyto Martian regolith, which changes the major constituents of the material,enhances shielding properties because of the added hydrogenous constituents.