Enhanced Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11 (FH) via multi-carrier implementation of the physical layer
In this paper, we propose a novel FSK scheme that enhances the performance and throughput of Bluetooth and wireless LAN systems (based on the IEEE 802.11 (FH) standard). Specifically, we propose a novel FSK implementation where, rather than frequency f/sub 0/ representing bit '0' and f/sub 1/ representing bit '1', we transmit multiple, orthogonal, in-phase sub-carriers around f/sub 0/ or f/sub 1/ to represent the binary information. We demonstrate that this technique is spectrally efficient when compared to traditional GFSK. Moreover, performance benefits are also demonstrated in standard indoor wireless channels employing both non-coherent and novel coherent reception techniques. Finally, we show how, with coherent reception, pseudo-orthogonal transmission of information can be employed to enhance the data rates with no cost in bandwidth.