Importance of Concrete Temperature Control During Concrete Pavement Construction in Hot Weather Conditions

The development of high concrete temperatures could cause a number of effects that have been shown to be detrimental to long-term concrete performance. High concrete temperatures increase the rate of hydration, thermal stresses, the tendency for drying shrinkage cracking, and permeability and decrease long-term concrete strengths and durability as a result of cracking. Data from the Texas Rigid Pavement database were analyzed to reveal whether there are increased numbers of failures as the air temperature at placement increases. It was shown that this was the case for both major coarse aggregate types: limestone and siliceous river gravel. The results of the analysis emphasize the importance of concrete temperature control during concrete pavement construction in hot weather conditions. Most states specify a maximum concrete temperature at placement to mitigate the detrimental effects of placement during hot weather. The specified limit remains the same irrespective of the type of mineral or chemical admixtures used. To produce specifications that encourage contractor innovation and the use of improved materials, modern specifications should account for these materials to ensure improved concrete performance under all placement conditions. To provide improved performance for sections paved under hot weather conditions, it is proposed that the continuously reinforced concrete pavement reinforcement standards be redesigned to provide steel quantities for specific use during hot weather conditions and that an end-result specification that limits the maximum in-place concrete temperature during hydration be implemented.