다양한 성능 조건하의 범퍼 시스템 연구

The bumper system is important in determining the car styling. And it is also important for satistying the various requirements. These requirements are that 2.5mph & 5mph low speed impact, IIHS impact, European pedestrian protection impact, Airbag No/Must fire threshhold and vehicle compatibility. Firstly, we will study the main contents of these requirements and then show some method to meet the requirements. And we will also suggest the simplified equations to calculate the bumper beam section property and deflection. These equations will be used effectivily in the early design stage. And then, we will suggest the bumper system which satisfies the pedestrian protection impact. This suggestion will be useful for designing more friendly towards pedestrians. Afterwards, these summaries and suggestions will be used for providing the optimised bumper system satisfied the various requirements.