Terrorist rehabilitation and counter-radicalisation : new approaches to counter-terrorism

1. Introduction Rohan Gunaratna and Lawrence Rubin 2. Islamist DeRadicalization in Algeria: The Case of Islamic Salvation Army and Affiliated Militias Omar Ashour 3. Non-Kinetic Approaches to Counter-Terrorism: A Case Study of Egypt and the Islamic Group Lawrence Rubin 4. Terrorist Rehabilitation: The Singapore Experience Rohan Gunaratna and Mohamed Feisal Bin Mohamed Hassan 5. Terrorist Rehabilitation Abdulrahman Al-Hadlaq 6. Extremist Disengagement in Saudi Arabia: Prevention, Rehabilitation and Aftercare Christopher Boucek 7. Thinking Strategically About Terrorist Rehabilitation: Lessons from Iraq Major General Douglas Stone 8. Dialogue and its Effects on Countering Terrorism:The Yemeni Experience Judge Hamoud Abdulhameed Al-Hitar 9. Challenges of Establishing a Rehabilitation Programme in Pakistan Tariq Parvez 10. Aspects of Deradicalisation Arie W. Kruglanski, Michele J. Gelfand, and Rohan Gunaratna