The illusion of accountability in the European Union

1: Examining the illusion of accountability - Sverker Gustavsson, Christer Karlsson and Thomas Persson 2: Accountability in world politics - Robert O. Keohane 3: Accountability and democracy - Heidrun Abromeit 4: Putting limits on accountability avoidance - Sverker Gustavsson 5: Irretrievable powers and democratic accountability - Hans Agne 6: EU treaty reform and accountability - Christer Karlsson 7: Delegation to the permanent representation and mechanisms of accountability - Thomas Larue 8: European intelligence cooperation and accountability - Thorsten Wetzling 9: Executive power and accountability in the European Union - Jonas Tallberg 10: The European Central Bank - independent and accountable? - Daniel Naurin 11: Civil society participation and accountability - Thomas Persson 12: Improving accountability in the European Union - the potential role of NGOs - Louisa Parks 13: Taking accountability seriously - Sverker Gustavsson, Christer Karlsson and Thomas Persson