The basic Trainer Aircraft of The Korean Air force KT-1/KO-1, which was designed and developed by Korean Technology has been a primary candidate as a replacement for the aging basic trainer or armed version for surface support operation for the nations such as Mexico, Philippine, Turkey, Venezuela and etc. In this study, competitors for the same class aircraft and the present operational status of the basic trainer of the world were identified and the fade out periods were also predicted. The result of this market analysis showed the required number of aircraft by the year 2025 for 33 countries as 4500. The exportable number of KT-1 aircraft was predicted considering the political/diplomatical environments, economic environment and also by the ability of producing same class aircraft of the country.ጊ缀Ѐ㘰〻Ԁ䭃䑎䷙ન6㘶㬅K䍄乍