Evaluation of the Performance of a Sirocco Fan Driven by a Diesel Engine in Mist Sprayer Applications

The coupling of a sirocco fan, used to supply air to a mist sprayer, and a Diesel engine is studied in order to enhance the performance of the integrated system. In this case, the main problem for the correct design of the fan arises from the fact that it is not possible to define a priori the operating point. In fact, the rotational speed is not fixed as in the case of an electric motor driven fan, but is determined as an equilibrium of the power supplied by the engine and the power absorbed by the fan to recover the pressure drops of the mist sprayer system. In this paper, the experimental campaign performed to characterize the existent fans is presented. Moreover, the sprayer duct is characterized by using literature correlations and by performing numerical simulations. Then, the collected data are elaborated in order to scale the fans in order to enhance the performance of the system.Copyright © 2011 by ASME