Genetic divergence in lizardfishes of the genus Saurida from southern Japan

Genetic divergence in four taxa of three species ofSaurida, S. undosquamis south (S) and north (N) types,S. wanieso andS. elongata caught from the East China Sea, Sea of Hyuga and Tosa Bay, was studied based on allelic frequencies at 23 genetic loci surveyed electrophoretically. Fixed allele substitution was observed at eight loci between the S and N types ofS. undosquamis and their genetic distance was 0.5582, within a range of differentiation at the species level. The S type ofS. undosquamis was found to inhabit the Sea of Hyuga and off Cape Ashizuri along the Kuroshio Current, in addition to the East China Sea. The low level of genetic variation found for this type was discussed in relation to its restricted habitat at the edge of the continental shelf. These factors, along with some morphological characters, indicate that the two types ofS. undosquamis should be recognized as distinct species.