Econophysics approaches to large-scale business data and financial crisis : proceedings of the Tokyo Tech-Hitotsubashi Interdisciplinary Conference + APFA7

1 Financial Market Properties.- Trend Switching Processes in Financial Markets.- Nonlinear Memory and Risk Estimation in Financial Records.- Microstructure and Execution Strategies in the Global Spot FX Market.- Temporal Structure of Volatility Fluctuations.- Theoretical Base of the PUCK-Model with Application to Foreign Exchange Markets.- 2 Financial Crisis and Macroeconomics.- Financial Bubbles, Real Estate Bubbles, Derivative Bubbles, and the Financial and Economic Crisis.- Global and Local Approaches Describing Critical Phenomena on the Developing and Developed Financial Markets.- Root Causes of the Housing Bubble.- Reconstructing Macroeconomics Based on Statistical Physics.- How to Avoid Fragility of Financial Systems: Lessons from the Financial Crisis and St. Petersburg Paradox.- 3 General Methods and Social Phenomena.- Data Centric Science for Information Society.- Symbolic Shadowing and the Computation of Entropy for Observed Time Series.- What Can Be Learned from Inverse Statistics?.- Communicability and Communities in Complex Socio-Economic Networks.- On World Religion Adherence Distribution Evolution.