Piezoelektrik Yöntemle Verdi Ölçüm Sisteminin Tasarımı

Bu calismada Ankara Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Taran Makinalari Bolumunde yer alan pompa deneme tesisinde bulunan acik kanaldan gecen suyun yuksekligi ve verdisi piezoelektrik algilayicilarla algilanarak bilgisayar ekranina aktarilmistir. Bu amacla kanalin uzerinde belli mesafeye yerlestirilen bir alici ve suyun uzerinde, suyun kaldirma kuvvetiyle asagi yukari hareket edebilen bir verici kullanilmistir. Algilayicilardan gelen bilgiler bilgisayara aktarilmis, bu amacla bir uyarlayici devre ve alman bilgilerin gorsel olarak istenilen degerlerin okunabilmesine imkan taniyan Delphi programlama dilinde yazilmis bir program kullanilmistir. Bu sekilde pompa deneme tesislerinde kullanilan ve zaman alici olan savakla verdi olcum yontemleri yerine surekli olarak verdi okumaya musait otomasyona uygun bir sistem gelistirilmistir. Yapilan sistemle olculen degerler savakla elde edilen degerlerle karsilastirilmis ve alinan sonuclara gore bazi onerilerde bulunulmustur. Abstract  In this study, the height of water and water flow rate in an open irrigation channel, located in the Department of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara University, were measured using piezoelectric sensors and transferred on a PC monitor. For this purpose, a receiver was placed at a certain height on the channel and a transmitter was placed on a board floating on the water surface up and down. The information from the sensors was transferred to a PC and this was accomplished using a regulator circuit and a computer program written in Delphi language allowed monitoring the required information. The developed system would replace the time-consuming and labor-intensive water level measurement method using weirs in pump test stations and would allow water flow measurements in open irrigation channels suitable for automation. The results were compared with the measurements conducted using the weirs and some recommendations were made based on the results.