일반논문 : HD 드라마타운 유치에 따른 대전지역 영상산업의 발전 방안

Daejeon city`s film & video industry faces important opportunity to develop itself because the HD drama town was decided to be hosted in Daejeon city. However, unless the business of HD drama town helps the development of Daejeon city`s film & video industry, it`s success will be limited. Thus, the promotion policy for the regional film & video industry is the most important thing that should be set up for the HD drama town. Above of all, the protective policy for the regional film & video companies should be prepared as same time as making an active incubating system for them. The regional film & video companies should find the parts which they can work for before the real operation of HD drama town and make environment for it. Currently, Daejeon`s production supporting policy for films & dramas generates controversy because of selecting standard. It`s very significant thing to pay attention on because there will be much more cases after building HD drama town. In order to cease controversy about the present production supporting, the regional film & video commission should recover it`s own role and function. The production supporting policy should make standards which induces to make the works of regional culture and identity. At the end of it, the system which arranges regional infrastructures and produce works should be set up. Otherwise, unlike expectation for HD drama town, when it operate, the regional film&video industry will become the structure that makes products just following for orders from outside.