Experience-Dependent Development of Feature-Selective Synchronization in the Primary Visual Cortex

Early visual experience is essential for the maturation of visual functions in which the primary visual cortex plays crucial roles. The extraction of visual features based on response selectivity of individual neurons, a fundamental process in the cortex, is basically established by eye opening in rodents, suggesting that visual experience is required for the development of neural functions other than feature extraction. Here, we show that synchronized firing, which is important for visual information processing, occurs selectively in adjacent neurons sharing similar orientation or spatial frequency preferences in layers 2–4 (upper layer) of rat visual cortex. This feature-selective spike synchrony was rudimentary when the eyes opened and became prominent during the first few weeks after eye opening only in the presence of pattern vision. In contrast, synchronization in layers 5–6 (lower layer) was almost independent of orientation similarity and more weakly dependent on spatial frequency similarity compared with upper layer synchrony. Lower layer synchronization was strengthened during development after eye opening independently of visual experience as a whole. However, the feature selectivity of synchronization was regulated by visual inputs, whereas the inputs without contours were sufficient for this regulation. Therefore, we speculate that feature-selective synchronization in the upper layer may convey detailed information on visual objects to the higher-order cortex, whereas weakly feature-selective synchronization in the lower layer may covey rather rough visual information to the subcortical areas or higher-order cortex. A major role of visual experience may be to establish the specific neural circuits underlying highly feature-selective synchronization. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The neuronal mechanisms underlying experience-dependent improvement of visual functions still remain unresolved. In this study, we investigated whether early visual experience contributes to the development of synchronized neural firing in the primary visual cortex, which plays important roles in visual information processing. We found that synchronized firing depends more remarkably on the similarity of preferred visual stimuli in the upper than lower layer neurons. Pattern vision during development was required for the establishment of spike synchrony in the upper but not the lower layer. These findings provide a new view regarding the role of sensory experience in the functional development of the cortex and the differences in the modes of information processing in the upper and lower cortical layers.

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