Mosaic Method Based on Distributed Data uri
The present invention discloses a method based on URI stitching distributed data to determine the scope of the construction of distributed systems: According to the scope of the construction of distributed systems, to determine the need to assign a prefix dispatch unit; URI the prefix dispatch unit data: To ensure that each object's URI is unique in the whole network, URI prefixes allocated to each scheduling unit must be guaranteed to be unique, which would be governed according to the scheduling relationship between units, individually coded, the higher the level the more prefixes scheduling unit short, coded hierarchy between the use of spaced dots; URI prefix code based objects: modeling of distributed data when generating the data object, the data object is the URI URI prefix stitching on the scheduling of the data object ID unit constituted; based URI stitching data objects: modeling of distributed data, correlation between data objects through the URI to record the data objects, after URI data objects once created will never be modified to achieve a seamless data objects splicing.