Let G be a finitely generated group, and 2; a finite generating set for G. Then 2; determines a norm on G, called the word norm, defined by letting Ig[ be the minimal length ofg as a word in 27. Following Milnor [,15], we define the growth series g(z) = 1 + a2z +. . . + a,z"..., where a, is the number of elements of G of word norm exactly n. Much of the early work (e.g., [-1, 16, 17, 23]) on growth series was concerned with asymptotic properties of the coefficients of g(z). This work culminated in Gromov 's theorem [12] that G has polynomial growth if and only if it is virtually nilpotent and in Grigorchuk's theorem [11] that there are finitely generated groups whose growth is neither polynomial nor exponential. If G is a Coxeter group and 2; is the standard generating set for G, Bourbaki [3] showed that the growth series g(z) is the series of a rational function f (z) and Serre [-20] showed that f(1) = I/z(G), where z(G) is the rational Euler characteristic of G. Note that if G is finite then g(1)=order(G)=l/z(G), but g(z) is not defined at one if G is infinite. If G is a compact hyperbolic or irreducible Euclidean Coxeter group and 27 is the standard generating set for G, Serre showed that f (1 /z )= +_ f(z), and so the poles of f are algebraic units. In contrast to the work on the asymptotic properties of the coefficients of g(z), these results raised the possibility of a beautiful theory of the exact structure of growth functions on groups. However, a decade went by before there was much further work on this subject. In two papers ([5] and [6]) Cannon studied growth functions for cocompact hyperbolic groups. If G is a cocompact hyperbolic group and X is any finite generating set for G, he showed that the coefficients a, of the growth series g(z) satisfy a linear recursion, and hence g(z) is the power series of a rational function f(z). He also computed some examples when G is a closed surface group or a compact hyperbolic Coxeter group. If G is a closed surface group and 2; is a geometric generating set (see below for a definition) for G coming from a one relator presentation, then f is reciprocal ( f ( z )=f (1 /z ) ) , f (1)=l /x (G) , the
J. Milnor.
Growth of finitely generated solvable groups
M. Gromov.
Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps
Michael W. Davis.
Groups Generated by reflections and aspherical manifolds not covered by Euclidean space
Philip Wagreich.
The growth function of a discrete group
J. Cannon.
The combinatorial structure of cocompact discrete hyperbolic groups
Hyman Bass,et al.
The Degree of Polynomial Growth of Finitely Generated Nilpotent Groups
Nicolas Bourbaki,et al.
Groupes et algèbres de Lie
B. Maskit,et al.
On Poincaré's theorem for fundamental polygons
H. Poincaré.
Théorie des groupes fuchsiens
M. Benson.
Growth series of finite extensions of ℤn are rational
N. Smythe.
Growth functions and Euler series
John Milnor,et al.
A note on curvature and fundamental group
M. Dehn.
Die Eulersche Formel im Zusammenhang mit dem Inhalt in der Nicht-Euklidischen Geometrie
J. Wolf.
Growth of finitely generated solvable groups and curvature of Riemannian manifolds
Walter Parry.
Counterexamples involving growth series and Euler characteristics
J. L. Brenner,et al.
Infinite Eulerian tessellations
Discret. Math..
L. Carlitz,et al.
Advanced Problems: 5600-5609