Thenacho, H.N.C.,Patel, R.G.,Singh, S.P.,Astley, R.,andParsons, C.G.(1973). Thorax, 28,448452. Transposition ofthegreatarteries. Areview of37casesafter Mustard's operation. Thirty-seven children withtransposition ofthegreatarteries haveundergone Mustard's operation inBirmingham Children's Hospital fromMay 1968toDecember 1971. Thirtythree ofthese hadsimple transposition ofthegreatarteries andfourwere complicated. Allbuttwohadhadsome previous palliative procedures. Tenpatients diedbefore discharge fromhospital andthere were twolatedeaths, one after three monthsandtheother after eight months. Bleeding, dysrhythmia, andhypotension werecommon immediate postoperative complications, while recurrent heart failure andpersistent atrioventricular block occurred in five andfourpatients respectively. Mustard's operation (Mustard, 1964;Mustard etal,. 1964) isnowastandard procedure forthe treatment oftransposition ofthegreatarteries (TGA).Itisasatisfactory operation foruncomplicated cases suchastransposition withatrial septal defect (Breckenridge etal., 1972), offering hopefor aCondition whichotherwise hasanappalling prognosis(Leibmann, Cullum,andBellock, 1969). Parsons, Astley, Burrows,and Singh(1971) reported theresult obtained inthefirst 65infants whohadbeentreated byballoon atrial septostomy attheChildren's Hospital, Birmingham, andwe now reportourexperience withthefirst 37 children who haveundergone Mustard's operation. CLINICALMATERIAL
D. Hammond,et al.
Hemostasis in cyanotic congenital heart disease.
The Journal of pediatrics.
D. Dillard,et al.
Total surgical correction of transposition of the great arteries in children less than six months of age.
Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics.
C. Ferencz.
Transposition of the Great Vessels: Pathophysiologic Considerations Based upon a Study of the Lungs
A surgical approach to the management of heart-block using an inductive coupled artifical cardiac pacemaker.