iGS와 듀얼 컴퍼스를 이용한 고속 이동로봇의 정밀 위치 인식기법
This paper proposes a precise localization algorithm for a quickly moving mobile robot. In order to localize a mobile robot with active beacon sensors, a relatively long time is needed, since the distance to the beacon is measured using the flight time of the ultrasonic signal. The measurement time does not cause a high error rate when the mobile robot moves slowly. However, with an increase of the mobile robot’s speed, the localization error becomes too high to use for accurate mobile robot navigation. Therefore, in this research into high speed mobile robot operations, instead of using two active beacons for localization an active beacon and dual compass are utilized to localize the mobile robot. This new approach resolves the high localization error caused by the speed of the mobile robot. The performance of the precise localization algorithm was verified by comparing it to the conventional method through real-world experiments.